10 Best Tips For Travel: How to Pack Smarter for Outdoor Adventures

Smart Travel Packing Tips - Image Osprey

Preparing for an outdoor adventure involves more than just choosing your destination and planning your activities. Packing smartly can make all the difference, ensuring you have everything you need without the unnecessary bulk, whether you're heading off backpacking or trying to reduce your luggage weight for airline restrictions.

Here’s a guide to efficient and organised packing, featuring must-have items like compression sacks, packing cubes, expandable bags, and more.

We’ll also highlight some of our favourite products from brands such as Tropicfeel, Osprey and Kuhl to help you get the most out of your travels.

1. Compression Sacks

Compression sacks are perfect for reducing the bulk of your clothing and gear. By compressing items like jackets, sleeping bags, and bulky clothing, you can save significant space in your backpack and luggage. Osprey offers durable and water-resistant compression sacks that are ideal for any outdoor adventure.

These sacks help you pack efficiently, ensuring you have more room for other essentials.

2. Packing Cubes

Packing cubes are a game-changer when it comes to staying organised on the go. They allow you to compartmentalise your clothing and gear, making it easy to find what you need without rummaging through your entire bag.

Packing cubes come in various sizes and are designed to fit perfectly in your backpack or luggage - we particularly recommend the Osprey Sojourn Sojourn range which doubles as a backpack and packing cube set as well as the Osprey Packing Cubes.

They help keep your items neatly separated and accessible, streamlining your packing process and also help you to reduce your baggage load at your destination for quick turnaround - simply slide out the cubes you don't need for the day.

3. Expandable Bags

An expandable bag offers flexibility for those times when you pick up a few extra items on your travels. Tropicfeel’s Shell backpack is an excellent option, featuring a built-in expansion system that provides extra space when you need it. This kind of bag is perfect for trips where you might bring back souvenirs or need to carry additional gear for various activities.

4. Backpack Attachments

Maximise your carrying capacity with backpack attachments like pouches and modular add-ons. These attachments can be easily clipped onto your main bag, providing additional storage for small items like water bottles, snacks, and gadgets.

Both Tropicfeel's & Osprey's range of backpack attachments includes handy pouches and accessories that increase your pack’s functionality, making it easier to stay organised on the trail - from your toiletries to your grab-and-go waterproofs.

5. Wardrobe Storage Accessory

Keeping your clothing tidy and wrinkle-free is a challenge when living out of a backpack. A wardrobe storage accessory, like a hanging organiser, can be incredibly useful. Tropicfeel's wardrobe accessory fits neatly inside their Shell backpack and unfolds to hang in your tent, hotel, chalet or hostel, providing easy access to your clothes while keeping them organised and fresh.

6. Multi-Functional Footwear

When space is at a premium, multi-functional footwear can be a lifesaver. Tropicfeel's All-Terrain sneakers are designed for versatility, suitable for hiking, water activities, and casual wear. These shoes reduce the need to pack multiple pairs, freeing up space in your bag and ensuring you’re prepared for a variety of environments.

7. Lightweight, Crease-Free Adventure Clothing

Packing lightweight, crease-free adventure clothing can make a significant difference in your travel experience. Kuhl's active travel clothing is known for its durability and comfort, perfect for outdoor adventures. Their garments are designed to withstand the rigours of travel while remaining stylish and functional. With moisture-wicking, quick-dry fabrics, you can stay comfortable in various climates and activities without worrying about wrinkles or wear and tear.

8. Portable Laundry Solutions

Keeping your clothes clean on the go is essential for longer trips. A portable laundry solution, like a travel washing bag or compact clothesline, can make a big difference. Tropicfeel's eco-friendly travel accessories include a portable laundry bag that allows you to wash your clothes anywhere, ensuring you always have fresh gear.

9. Hydration Systems

Keeping your clothes clean on the go is essential for longer trips. A portable laundry solution, like a travel washing bag or compact clothesline, can make a big difference. Tropicfeel's eco-friendly travel accessories include a portable laundry bag that allows you to wash your clothes anywhere, ensuring you always have fresh gear.

10. Personal Care Kit

A well-organised personal care kit ensures you have all your hygiene essentials without cluttering your bag. Opt for reusable, travel-sized containers for your toiletries to minimise waste and save space.Tropicfeel's offers compact toiletry kit accessories that fit neatly into your backpacks, keeping your personal items organised and easily accessible. These kits help you maintain cleanliness and comfort throughout your travels while allowing you to ditch the bulk when you arrive at your hostel or hotel.


Smart packing is all about efficiency and organisation, ensuring you have everything you need while keeping your load manageable. By using compression sacks, packing cubes, expandable bags, and other innovative solutions, you can maximise space and enhance your travel experience. With top-quality products from Tropicfeel, Osprey, and Kuhl, you’re well-equipped for any outdoor adventure.

Happy travels, and may your adventures be as smooth and organised as your packing!

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