Single Snowboard Bags

Single snowboard bags are usually big enough to carry a single Snowboard with Snowboard Bindings plus all your small items like like Snowboard Gloves, Snowboard Socks, Snowboard Hats, etc. Larger single size snowboard bags can sometimes also take a pair of Snowboard Boots but this can make the bag heavy so many people prefer to use a separate Snowboard Boot Bag. Remember, choose a single snowboard bag of the correct length - too long and you’ll have a big saggy overhang at either end of the snowboard (not really an issue - it just looks a bit odd) ; too small and your snowboard will not fit! Some snowboard bags have adjustable lengths for this very reason. A single snowboard bag usually has enough space for you to wrap your snowboards in cardboard and/or bubble wrap to provide an extra layer of protection during transit but this is not really necessary in most situations. Some people wrap their snowboards in their Snowboard Jacket and / or Snowboard Pants to save on Luggage space and to protect their snowboards but, remember, snowboards have very sharp edges which can easily cut or damage anything they rub against. more
Remember, choose a single snowboard bag of the correct length - too long and you’ll have a big saggy overhang at either end of the snowboard (not really an issue - it just looks a bit odd) ; too small and your snowboard will not fit! Some snowboard bags have adjustable lengths for this very reason. A single snowboard bag usually has enough space for you to wrap your snowboards in cardboard and/or bubble wrap to provide an extra layer of protection during transit but this is not really necessary in most situations. Some people wrap their snowboards in their Snowboard Jacket and / or Snowboard Pants to save on Luggage space and to protect their snowboards but, remember, snowboards have very sharp edges which can easily cut or damage anything they rub against.

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