The Absolute Guide to Ski Bindings: Rail Systems Vs Drill Mount
There are two methods for attaching Ski Bindings to your skis - track mounting and drill mounting. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods but whichever method you choose it is important to ensure that they are mounted and adjusted correctly. We can mount and adjust your bindings for you at our warehouse prior to despatching them.
Track Mounted Bindings
Track mounted bindings are mounted onto a track or rail which is pre-attached to the ski.
This allows the bindings to simply slide onto the track and be positioned perfectly for the size of your ski boots.
The benefit of having a track system is that the bindings have been specifically designed for that particular ski and will fit almost any boot size.
The binding track allows the ski to flex naturally where the binding has been mounted and evenly distributes the turning force you apply when skiing. It also allows you to easily change the mounting position of the bindings if you buy new ski boots, want to lend the skis to a friend or decide to sell the skis at a later date without having to have them professionally removed and re-mounted.
Track mounted bindings come with full instructions to get them set up and are incredibly easy to do yourself at home.
Bindings are specifically designed to work with the skis
Will fit almost any boot size
Can be mounted and adjusted numerous times
Can make the ski more desirable if you ever choose to sell them on
Cheaper than purchasing separate skis and bindings
Track systems can add weight to the skis
Usually can't adjust ramp angles
Less choice over which bindings you use
Cannot choose the binding mounting position
When bindings begin to wear out it is much harder to source replacements

Drill Mounted Bindings
Drill Mounted bindings require professional set up as the bindings themselves are drilled and permanently attached to the ski. This means that it cannot be done at home as it requires specific tools not available to the general public.
The benefit of drill mounting is that it allows you to choose whichever bindings you want for your skis. You also get greater 'feel' and control with these bindings as your foot is closer to the deck of the ski. You save weight as well as you don't have the pre-mounted track system weighing you down.
Drill mounted bindings can be removed and re-mounted but it's a professional job and shouldn't be attempted at home.
Unlike some other retailers, here at Absolute-Snow we don't charge to mount your skis and bindings, providing they have been purchased from us.
Much wider choice of bindings available
Can tailor the skis performance more through the choice of binding
Lighter weight compared to track mounted systems
Endless choice of mounting positions
Greater adjustment over features such as ramp angles
More expensive than track mounted systems
When bindings wear out skis will need to be professionally re-drilled for new bindings
Some retailers charge to have bindings mounted (not here at Absolute-Snow!)
Less adjustment available for boot sizes making them less desirable if choosing to sell them

Check out our full range of Ski Bindings today!
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