Bataleon was founded in 2000 by biophysicist Jorgen Karlson after he studied the performance and riding properties of a snowboard and came up with the revolutionary concept of 3BT / TBT (Triple Base Technology). Jorgen noticed that when riding an old skool positive camber snowboard a rider transfers


their weight between the toe and heel edges to steer the board but, when doing so, the nose and tail of the board resist or ‘fight’ the movement by almost gripping or biting into the snow. This is where TBT comes in; the contact points in the nose and tail areas of the snowboard are raised from the base, just enough to clear the snow. This makes initiating a turn much, much easier so much so that TBT is now a standard feature on all Bataleon snowboards. Bataleon snowboards are made in the Elan factory in Austria using the very latest manufacturing processes and quality control techniques. Bataleon's ethos is simply to make snowboarding more fun for everyone, no matter where on the mountain you find yourself, from the park to backcountry- the whole mountain is your playground. This is evident with an ever growing team of pro riders including the likes of legendary Tor Lundstrom and Brendan Keenan showing us all how its done.


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