Black Diamond Trekking Basket Replacement Hiking Pole Parts

Trekking Basket Replacement Hiking Pole Parts

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Black Diamond Trekking Basket Replacement Hiking Pole Parts Black Diamond Trekking Basket
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Set of two 38mm spare/replacement trekking pole baskets.

About the Black Diamond Trekking Basket

These Black Diamond 38mm Trekking Baskets work for trekking or ski poles. They do not fit on most Z-poles except for the Distance Plus and Alpine series Z-poles. Not compatible with Trail Sport poles or Helio fixed length poles.

  • 1 Pair 38mm trekking baskets
  • Attaches to Flex tip or ski pole Ferrule




Small , sturdy , tight fit
Black Diamond have been making top end gear for climbing and skiing since 1957 by taking their experiences on rock, ice, and snow to make some of the best gear for climbers and skiers all over the world.
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