Endeavor Seamless Sidewalls Tecnhology
ISPO Gold Award Winner, The Seamless Sidewall is a revolution in snowboard design and will change the way we ride.
Seamless Sidewall Technology was developed at the Endeavor Snowboards Archetype Lab in Vancouver, B.C. and recently won the Gold ISPO Award for Material and Construction Innovation. This award recognises true product innovation and unlike many technological advances, Endeavors seamless sidewall technology remains relatively well hidden from sight.
But, just because you cant see it doesn't make it any less radical or game changing.

This advanced construction technique replaces the standard multi part sidewall with a seamless sidewall along the whole outside edge of the board; this not only increases durability but also helps to create a better riding snowboard.
Constructed from Urethane this amazing material gives Endeavor the ability to make production much more efficient while making a better performing snowboard and a more durable snowboard. Urethane absorbs vibrations, making it easier on your legs so you can ride longer.
It is also amazingly impact resistant - on rails or rocks where ABS sidewalls would crack, the Urethane sidewall absorbs the shock.
The traditional multi part sidewall construction is time consuming to assemble and to even get the raw materials ready. There are long lead times from the raw material suppliers and handling the materials often causes delimitation (from hand grease, which is why you wear gloves). Basically it is an old system that has never been innovated. Endeavor's construction eliminates all of that using a process that seamlessly fuses the urethane sidewall directly to the wood core, making the production process more efficient with better bonding results, reducing the risk of delamination.
Endeavor are the only snowboard company in the world doing this particular process, and although other brands have used Urethane sidewalls, they have applied the old way of processing the material.
Shock absorption and durability are the largest benefits, but what makes it game changing beyond these improvements is that the process is more efficient, less wasteful, and a cleaner way of producing a snowboard.
Compare it to Apple coming out with their uni-body laptops that dont affect the customer that much but totally game changing on their production end whilst improving durability.
For durability, thats easy. When a snowboard snaps in half with an ABS sidewall, the sidewall breaks in half with the wood core. ABS is a rigid material that will fail under intense stress. Urethane on the other hand, will never fail.
No matter how much the board would flex to break, the sidewall will remain intact because of its rubber properties that make itdurable, malleable and tougher than ABS.
Because the sidewall absorbs vibration to reduce fatigue on your legs, you can ride longer plus the Urethane comfortably absorbs heavy impacts from rocks or rails.
Endeavor have fused a seamless sidewall directly to the wood core improving the bonding cohesion, reducing the risk of delamination and alleviates weak points along the sidewall.
This also gives the board a more natural flex resulting in the strongest and smoothest riding boards Endeavor has ever produced and our top pick for 2015!
Check out our full range of snowboards today!
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